Some pets are more sensitive to environmental change than others.

Also, sometimes due to the lifestyle we lead, pet owners don’t have enough time to bring their pets to training locations.

Dogs Behave® has a solution for both!

In Doggie Bootcamp, we come to you and create a custom training plan for your dog according to their needs and goals.

However, it’s recommended that the pet owner is present with the dog at least in the last 2 hourly training sessions to complete the training with the best results and achieve maximum goals.

We strive to accomplish basic and intermediate commands in this training right from the heel, sit, focus, come, stop, down, stay and release to more individualized commands.

With this program, you also learn to align your leash handling skills with the nature of your dog to avoid reactive pulls from them.

P.S. It’s necessary you complete my 1-hour behavior assessment evaluation session before we begin with this program.

Price: $1600

***Taxes not included*****

Travel Fee: Per case basis