Ashley (name changed for privacy) was looking for a dog training program that didn’t require her to drive long distances and drop her dog to a training facility.

When she heard about Doggie Bootcamp through one of my clients, she knew this was exactly what she needed.

She wanted to start with leash training so that she could take her dog out and ditch the fear of being embarrassed publicly.

After her enrolment, I used to travel to her place and train her dog using a personalized training program.

By the end of the training program, Ashley was essentially able to walk her dog on a leash anywhere.

And she didn’t even have to travel to achieve this results. It all happened in the comfort of her own home!


Wally, a Great Dane breed dog is the perfect example of why every pet owner must go through my 6 weeks on leash training.

April (name changed for privacy) was super proud of Wally. He was always active, extremely protective of her, and loved her to the bits. April on the other hand was facing some relational issues with Wally and really it was not Wally’s fault.

Wally’s breed, great dane, was meant to make him physically strong and aggressive. 

Controlling him in public situations was a seemingly difficult task without proper training and knowledge.

So one day when April was walking Wally on street, he saw a squirrel and ran away to chase with a massive jerk on his leash.

This jerk was too sudden and strong for April to balance and as a result she fell in a mud pool.

That’s when she decided she would enrol Wally in my 6 weeks training program as one of her friends had already suggested my service to her.

Within 6 weeks, Wally turns into the most adorable and sociable dog in his area and now whenever April takes him out, she is stress-free about any jerks and pulls.

She later on also enrolled him in my 6 weeks off-leash training and thanked her life for that decision!